indyTracker on Lib F4GOH use only one Arduino pro mini

There is new APRS tracker founded on indyTracker official site.

With only one Arduino pro mini and GPS module you can create APRS tracker.

**Here is schema**
[URL=][IMG width=398 height=438 ][/IMG][/URL]

To load configuration, connect USB-TTL adapter to Rx and Tx pin on Arduino, and open terminal program. You can use [putty ](

Select appropriate **COM** port and choose **9600 speed rate**.

Command `?disp` for list setup.
For writing new data use following construction ` ?wa?callsign-9` where
`?w` command for saving
`a?` variable to save
`callsign-9` string to save

**Existing variables are:**

``` a_MYCALL b_Symbol_1 c_Symbol_2 d_PATH_1 e_PATH_2 f_FastSpeed g_FastRate h_SlowSpeed i_SlowRate j_GPS k_TrackerMode l_MyBeacon ```

**Example of good configuration:**

``` a_MYCALL callsing-8 b_Symbol_1 />RUN c_Symbol_2 \PSTOP d_PATH_1 WIDE1-1 e_PATH_2 WIDE2-1 f_FastSpeed 70 g_FastRate 45 h_SlowSpeed 1 i_SlowRate 600 j_GPS 9600 k_TrackerMode 1 l_MyBeacon ```

Best way to save you config is to prepare you config in Notepad and then paste line by line to Putty.

**Here is example of config from Notepad**

``` ?wa?callsign-8 ?wb?/>RUN ?wc?\PSTOP ?wd?WIDE1-1 ?we?WIDE2-1 ?wf?70 ?wg?45 ?wh?1 ?wi?600 ?wj?9600 ?wk?1 ?wl?MyBeacon


</s><i> </i>PIN 3 = PTT+ PIN 4 = PTT- PIN 5 = PWM AFSK out Rx = GPS 9600<i> </i><e>

More information on [facebook ]([0]=AZWZyxhPNiEaBOMn5BkHSNk0FZGzLQRC4fhY5SZ5G0CGsPxxN_UJaxNixxoS24ROScGwdzRv73-OQ4CrZsb8IaOXQMDQ5fZSc05Ybrj5Agh1_rDkktS6qf9uJjBnP77OJsPcKovv4YAHHgjN6lKENFp4&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R)

Notes to be checked and rewrite.

b_Symbol_1 it work with the profile of Fastspeed / Fast rate
Ex. of your setup
1.when moving around 60Km/hr (f_Fastspeed setup) , the beacon send rate every 10sec(g_FastRate) and use b_Symbol_1 />RUN
2.when speed lower than 20km/hr( h_SlowSpeed ) or parking the beacon send rate every 20sec(h_SlowSpeed ) and use profile c_Symbol_2 \PSTOP

  • 3. /> is car symbol of aprs symbol teble and \P is P Parking symbol and RUN or STOP is comment of the profile as you want
    4.I think the good setup for smart beacon is
    f_FastSpeed 70
    g_FastRate 45
    h_SlowSpeed 1
    i_SlowRate 600
    Ex. (70kmh/3600) * 45sec = beacon rate every 875meter
    and when you stop or parking beacon rate is every 600sec or 10min