Direwolf приклад конфігу з звуковою картою в якості iGate only


Configuration file for Dire Wolf

Linux version


Consult the User Guide for more details on configuration options.

These are the most likely settings you might change:

(1) MYCALL - call sign and SSID for your station.

Look for lines starting with MYCALL and

change NOCALL to your own.

(2) PBEACON - enable position beaconing.

Look for lines starting with PBEACON and

modify for your call, location, etc.

(3) DIGIPEATER - configure digipeating rules.

Look for lines starting with DIGIPEATER.

Most people will probably use the given example.

Just remove the “#” from the start of the line

to enable it.

(4) IGSERVER, IGLOGIN - IGate server and login

Configure an IGate client to relay messages between

radio and internet servers.

The default location is “direwolf.conf” in the current working directory.

On Linux, the user’s home directory will also be searched.

An alternate configuration file location can be specified with the “-c” command line option.

As you probably guessed by now, # indicates a comment line.

Remove the # at the beginning of a line if you want to use a sample

configuration that is currently commented out.

Commands are a keyword followed by parameters.

Command key words are case insensitive. i.e. upper and lower case are equivalent.

Command parameters are generally case sensitive. i.e. upper and lower case are different.



(Channel 0 + 1 if in stereo)


Many people will simply use the default sound device.

Some might want to use an alternative device by chosing it here.

Linux ALSA is complicated. See User Guide for discussion.

To use something other than the default, generally use plughw

and a card number reported by “arecord -l” command. Example:

ADEVICE plughw:1,0

Starting with version 1.0, you can also use “-” or “stdin” to

pipe stdout from some other application such as a software defined

radio. You can also specify “UDP:” and an optional port for input.

Something different must be specified for output.

ADEVICE plughw:1,0

Number of audio channels for this souncard: 1 or 2.




(Channel 2 + 3 if in stereo)





(Channel 4 + 5 if in stereo)







The following MYCALL, MODEM, PTT, etc. configuration items

apply to the most recent CHANNEL.

Station identifier for this channel.

Multiple channels can have the same or different names.

It can be up to 6 letters and digits with an optional ssid.

The APRS specification requires that it be upper case.

Example (don’t use this unless you are me): MYCALL WB2OSZ-5


Pick a suitable modem speed based on your situation.

1200 Most common for VHF/UHF. Default if not specified.

300 Low speed for HF SSB.

9600 High speed - Can’t use Microphone and Speaker connections.

In the simplest form, just specify the speed.

MODEM 1200
#MODEM 300
#MODEM 9600




First you need to specify the name of a Tier 2 server.

The current preferred way is to use one of these regional rotate addresses:

noam.aprs2.net - for North America

soam.aprs2.net - for South America

euro.aprs2.net - for Europe and Africa

asia.aprs2.net - for Asia

aunz.aprs2.net - for Oceania

IGSERVER euro.aprs2.net

You also need to specify your login name and passcode.

Contact the author if you can’t figure out how to generate the passcode.


That’s all you need for a receive only IGate which relays

messages from the local radio channel to the global servers.

Some might want to send an IGate client position directly to a server

without sending it over the air and relying on someone else to

forward it to an IGate server. This is done by using sendto=IG rather

than a radio channel number. Overlay R for receive only, T for two way.

PBEACON sendto=IG delay=0:30 every=60 overlay=R symbol=“digi” lat=55.3568 long=21.2574

