Після купівлі модулю буває необхідно змінити швидкість передачі NMEA повідомлень на стандартну 9600.
Як це зробити можна ознайомитися тут
Install U-Center software
Attach your GPS to a USB-UART adapter and connect it to your computer.
Launch U-Center software and open the NMEA data view by pressing F8. Clicking the connect button and choosing the correct serial port and baudrate shall make the software connect with the GPS and displaying received data in the data view window contiuniously. If nothing appeared, check your connection and serial port parameters.
Open the configuration view by pressing F9.
Navgiate to UBX -> CFG -> PRT to change the serial port baud rate and click Send button located on the bottom.
Navgiate to UBX -> CFG -> RATE to change the GPS data rate by changing Measurement Period and click Send button located on the bottom.
Navigate to UBX -> CFG -> CFG and select 0-BBR and 1-FLASH in Devices list and click Send button located on the bottom.